At Skin Research Laboratories®, we appreciate and support the hardworking healthcare heroes who are dedicated to working nonstop to help those affected by the Coronavirus disease.

During this crazy and uncertain time, healthcare workers have been working around the clock to help tend to emergencies and use safety precautions to keep everyone safe and in good health.
We wanted to share our immense gratitude and admiration for these healthcare heroes that we posted on Instagram to find our local and national heroes. We received over 2,900 comments mentioning incredible doctors and nurses, as well as others who are on the frontlines. We sent out free gifts to some of the “tagged” heroes.

We know there are countless ways to raise awareness and give recognition to these amazing workers. We are currently asking nurses, doctors, police (those on the frontlines) to post a picture in their work attire on social media, tag us, and they will receive 20% off and a free Beauty on the Go Travel Kit.

The stories we have received and read are heartbreaking, encouraging and inspiring. We hope to give back to these very deserving essential workers in the best way we know how.