Eyeliner made its debut long before the ease of felt tip pens or liquid liners were in use. Making a desired design or effect with some form of colored substance goes clear back to ancient Egypt. But focusing on the last 100 years of eyeliner in the USA shows that making a statement with our eyes has evolved in both product and shape.
The easy-to-use (sometimes foolproof) eyeliners that we enjoy today were not even a thing early in the twentieth century. Women would use the black substances that they could get a hold of to create the dramatic eye they wanted. Like Allure shows in this video, kohl, a substance similar to charcoal, worked well to create that perfect shadowy eye.
As eyeliners began to advance in technology, more and more dramatic eye movements took place. Women were able to express themselves through eyeliner, and they took advantage of that to create new looks with an eyeliner.
Although eyeliners have changed through the years, one thing has stayed the same: we all want a great eyeliner that gives us the freedom to create our perfect look. Skin Research Laboratories® created neuEFFECT™ to help all women have the perfect tool to create their look. Part of the new Appearance Kit, neuEFFECT™ liquid eyeliner is a unique buildable formula that is ideal for layering and creating the perfect look, day or night, subtle or dramatic.

It is time to let your beauty routine evolve as you make history with your trendsetting looks.